Please join us for Matthew Homes Big Build Event!
ReNew Communities is partnering again with Solid Rock Carpenters to raise the exterior walls, roof, and interior wall frames on 4 new Matthew Homes!
When: Saturday, June 17th
Time: 9 am - 12 pm!
Where: North Chicago, IL
This is your invitation to be part of the excitement! We are looking for 120 volunteers (16 years+), to swing a hammer and construct wall panels. You will work in teams of 6-8 with a Team Lead who will show you how to build the panels. No prior experience needed.
Please bring work gloves, safety goggles, and safe shoes/boots. We’ll have hammers available, but if you prefer, bring your own hammer and tool belt. Water, snacks, and lunch will be provided.
We are also looking for volunteer hosts to help early morning to set up tables, work registration, distribute t-shirts and name tags, serve snacks, water, lunch and be available helping hands. We also need a few volunteer hosts in the afternoon to help the Deck Crew that stays into the afternoon.
Additionally, we need 10 volunteers per site who are willing to stay after lunch for one hour. This smaller crew will help finish up any remaining wall sections if necessary and then load all interior walls onto the house decks. You can designate interest during registration.
Please sign up today to either Host or Swing a Hammer. If the 120 spots are filled, you can still sign up for the waitlist.
We hope you can be a part of the next phase of Matthew Homes 300 project and help provide affordable housing for future North Chicagoans.
Questions? Please contact Cheryl Dunlap (ReNew Communities)
or Megan Johnson (Solid Rock Carpenters)

On May 1, 2022 a crew of 100+ volunteers gathered to frame "The Grove Twins,"